HiPeak Health
“Compassionate Care for Women”
The Birthline Board determined that we can provide a more comprehensive care for
disadvantaged women and improve our total results by establishing a medical clinic to help
them through their pregnancy. As a result, HiPeak Health was established on Wadsworth
Boulevard in Lakewood, Colorado where doctors, nurses, ultrasound technicians, and
counselors will work with our clients and patients by tending to their medical, mental,
personal, and spiritual needs. The facility will include a training center where women and
their families will learn to improve their daily living skills while working through any
personal problems them might have. We believe the results will be a vibrant baby and a
happier mother and family.
Birthline of Colorado will continue their support of HiPeak Health by seeking out the
financial, human, and equipment resources required for HiPeak to sustain itself.
HiPeak Health
Equipment Needs List